. 主要涉及领域: 液压系统的设计及生产 液压油缸,液压分路器,活塞式蓄能器的设计及生产. 配套的电控的硬件及软件的开发与生产(电控柜等) 液压和电控元件的销售 售后服务:安装调试,维护及修理.
GLUAL Company founded in 1969 with our own engineering specializing in the automatization of industrial processes: hydraulic and electronic systems. Our aim is TO SATISFY THE CUSTOMER integrating the best turnkey solutions. Main divisions: Design and manufacturing of Power packs Design and manufacturing of hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic distributors, piston accumulators Design and manufacturing of electronic hardware and software (electrical pictures, Plcs.) - Sale of hydraulic and electronic components. After sale Service: adjustment, maintenance, repairs.